A Mother’s Day Poem

Here is a Mother’s Day poem in honor of my mom, Carmella. It’s from my collection The Truth I Must Invent (Poets’ Choice, 2023). I realize it’s a dark poem, but it doesn’t fully express my mother’s identity.

Aplomb by Francis DiClemente. Copyright 2023.

As a dad now, I also understand that all parents are flawed, imperfect people. My mother likely struggled with undiagnosed depression. And this particular poem captures only one side of Carmella, not revealing the truth of her kindness, generosity, diligence, faith and love.

Carmella DeCosty Ruane.

I also believe any memory of deceased family members and friends—even negative ones—venerate the individuals and keep their spirits alive. Happy Mother’s Day to all the moms and mother figures out there. Where would any of us be without you?


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